GEI and gin@
In nero si trovano i “domains” del Gender Equality Index della UE. In rosso le proposte per arricchire il gin@.
Principale difetto del GEI a mio avviso: la questione dello sfruttamento domestico (nelle sue molteplici espressioni, che sono tante), viene sottostimato, essendo solo uno dei 7 (o 6 se consideriamo che quello sulle violenze in realtà non entra nell’indice) domains. Nel gin@ il peso sarebbe di 1/3, cioè molto superiore. Ed essendo la sfera domestica la madre di tutte le disuguaglianze, credo sia giusto mettere in evidenza questo aspetto.
Chiarisco anche che il gin@ sarebbe pensato in priorità per il pubblico FAO, cioè le zone rurali.
GEI ha i seguenti “domains”:
About the domain of power
The domain of power measures gender equality in decision-making positions across the political, economic and social spheres. The sub-domain of political power examines the representation of women and men in national parliaments, government and regional/local assemblies. The sub-domain of gender-balance in economic decision-making is measured by the proportion of women and men on corporate boards of the largest nationally registered companies listed on stock exchanges and national Central banks.
Di questo potremmo tenere il sub-domain di gender-balance in economic decision-making, da misurare con la proporzione di donne e uomini nelle organizzazioni di villaggio/comunità, consorzi irrigui o simili.
Ci sarebbe però da aggiungere, in termini di potere, chi controlla (e può decidere l’uso e la trasmissione ereditaria) della terra.
Proporrei di inserire tutto nella sfera cultura.
About the domain of health
The domain of health measures gender equality in three health -related aspects: health status, health behaviour and access to health services. Health status looks at the differences in life expectancy of women and men together with self-perceived health and healthy life years (also called disability-free life expectancy). This is complemented with a set of health behaviour factors, based on WHO recommendations on healthy behaviour, namely fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption. Access to health services is measured by the percentage of people who report unmet medical and/or dental needs.
Non sono specialista, ma credo che sarebbe difficile andare oltre “health status” che proporrei di mettere nella sfera domestica.
Violence domain
The domain of violence provides a set of indicators that can help the EU and its Member States to monitor the extent of the most common and documented forms of violence against women. Unlike the other domains, the domain of violence does not measure differences between women and men; rather, it examines women’s experiences of violence. The main objective is to eliminate violence against women, not to reduce gaps.
Qui si potrebbe pensare a misurare la proporzione di donne e uomini che hanno subito violenza coniugale. Questo andrebbe nella sfera domestica.
About the domain of work
The domain of work measures the extent to which women and men can benefit from equal access to employment and good working conditions. The sub-domain of participation combines two indicators: participation in rates of full-time equivalent (FTE) employment and the duration of working life. The FTE employment rate takes into account the higher incidence of part-time employment among women and is obtained by comparing each worker’s average number of hours worked with the average number of hours worked by a full-time worker. Gender segregation and quality of work are included in the second sub-domain. Sectorial segregation is measured through the participation of women and men in the sectors of education, human health and social work activities. The quality of work is measured by flexible working time arrangements and job prospects. Flexibility of work is captured by the ability of women and men to take an hour or two off during their working time to take care of personal or family matters. The Career Prospects Index captures continuity of employment, defined in relation to type of employment contract, job security (the possibility of losing a job in the next six months), career advancement prospects and development of the workplace in terms of the number of employees. It is measured on a scale between 0 and 100 points, where 100 is the maximum and indicates the best job prospects.
L'essenziale di questa disuguaglianza è divisa fra sfera domestica e sfera pubblica: durata tempo di lavoro, durata della vita lavorativa. Molti dei sub-domains (cominciando dal basso) non si applicano al caso nostro: type of employment contract, job security, career advancement. Altri sub-settori non sembrano al loro posto: participation in the sector of education, human health and social work. Ovviamente qui andrebbero anche tutte le attività della sfera domestica, dalla cura della casa a quella dei bambini/anziani, l’orto …, includendo quello che viene indicato nel dominio “Time” alla fine.
Propongo di metterla nella sfera domestica, per aumentare il peso della variabile.
About the domain of money
The domain of money measures gender inequalities in access to financial resources and women’s and men’s economic situation. The first sub-domain of financial resources includes women’s and men’s monthly earnings and income measured through two indicators. The first is mean monthly earnings from work and the second is mean equivalised net income, which besides earnings from paid work includes pensions, investments, benefits and any other source of income. Both are expressed in the purchasing power standard (PPS), which is an artificial currency that accounts for differences in price levels between Member States. The second sub-domain of economic resources captures women’s and men’s risk of poverty and the income distribution amongst women and men. Indicators included are the percentage of population not at risk of poverty (whose income is above or equal to 60 % of median income in the country) and the ratio of the bottom and top quintile by sex. The latter indicator is used to measure the level of income inequality among women and among men.
Questo entrerebbe diretto nella sfera pubblica.
About the domain of knowledge
The domain of knowledge measures gender inequalities in educational attainment, participation in education and training over the life course and gender segregation. The sub-domain of educational attainment is measured by two indicators: the percentage of women and men tertiary graduates, and participation of women and men in formal and non-formal education and training over the life course. The second sub-domain targets gender segregation in tertiary education by looking at a percentage of women and men among students in fields of education, health, welfare, humanities, and arts.
Tutto questo potrebbe facilmente rientrare nella categoria del potere, come un sotto settore.
About the domain of time
The domain of time measures gender inequalities in allocation of time spent doing care and domestic work and social activities. The first sub-domain, concerned with care activities, measures gender gaps in involvement of women and men in caring for and educating their children or grandchildren, older and disabled people, as well as their involvement in cooking and housework. The second sub-domain explores how many women and men engage in social activities. Concretely, it measures gender gaps in women’s and men’s engagement in sport, cultural or leisure activities outside of their home, combined with their engagement in voluntary and charitable activities.
Un altro doppione: da aggiungere a quanto detto per il dominio “Work”, così da completare la sfera domestica.
sfera domestica: qui entra il dominio “work” e quello “time”. Se si riuscisse ad avere qualche dato, entrerebbe anche il dominio “violence” e, infine, quello della “salute”.
sfera pubblica: qui entra il dominio “money”
sfera cultura (che potremmo rinominare “potere”: qui entra quanto detto sul dominio “power” e sul dominio “knowledge”
I valori delle “sfere” (domestica, pubblica e di potere), variabili da 0 a 1 (con 1 indicando la massima uguaglianza), saranno moltiplicati (invece di fare una media matematica) fra di loro per ottenere il valore finale.
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