The development model of industrialized societies
is capable of producing huge quantities of wealth, but also has serious
shortcomings when it comes to the equitable redistribution of its fruits and
the promotion of growth in less developed areas.
While developed economies are
not immune to this contradiction, it reaches particularly alarming
proportions in developing economies. This can be seen in the persistence of
the phenomenon of the misappropriation and concentration of land — that is
that good which, given the predominantly agricultural nature of the economy
of developing countries, constitutes the fundamental production factor,
together with labour, and the chief source of national wealth.
In many developing countries,
the ways in which agrarian policies have managed the export of agricultural
production have often further encouraged the process of the concentration of
land in the hands of the few.
In recent decades, various
forms of economic activity based on the use of natural resources have
steadily expanded into land traditionally occupied by indigenous populations.
In most cases, the rights of
the indigenous inhabitants have been ignored when the expansion of
large-scale agricultural concerns, the establishment of hydroelectric plants
and the exploitation of mineral resources, and of oil and timber in areas of
expanding agricultural frontiers have been decided, planned and implemented
The history of many rural areas
has often been marked by conflict, social injustice and uncontrolled forms of
violence. The landowning élite and the large companies involved in exploiting
mineral and forest resources have, on many occasions, not hesitated to
establish a climate of terror in order to suppress the protests of workers
who are forced to work at an inhuman pace for wages that often do not cover
their travel and living expenses. Similar tactics have been used in order to
overcome conflicts with small farmers who have been farming State or other
land for a long time, or in order to take possession of land occupied by
indigenous populations.
An agricultural structure
marked by the misappropriation and concentration of land in latifundia acts
as a major obstacle to a country's economic and social development. In the
short term, it inhibits growth of agricultural production and employment,
while in the long term, it causes poverty and waste, which tend to be
self-perpetuating and to increase
Agrarian reform programmes must
pay close attention to the decisive role of concerted action in the launching
and development of the farm units created by redistribution of land.
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